
californication still going!

californication season dvd is a remarkably refreshing change from the usual 'cool-parent' liberal permissive attitude that one has come to expect in these situations. And coming from a character like Hank (Duchovney) its especially redeeming. He is an amazingly complex character, and Duchovney pulls it off flawlessly.The dialog pacing is flawless and the humor timing is spot on. Things come at you out of nowhere, delivered in Duchovney's signature deadpan to great effect here. The writing does credit to the English language, albeit it well salted and peppered with expletives. The very best part of this show is that the characters felt well fleshed out from the first 5 minutes and they have continued to feel real. Californication comes out on dvd already. californication dvd box set are available at my shop.

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