The series opens in a state prison – think Oz, Prison Break, Breakout Kings dvd release date. I get it. An inmate is plotting his escape, although we’re not 100% exactly how or when it will go down. Then, mere seconds into the show, he successfully escapes. To be fair, it seemed way too easy, having been a fan of the late, great Oz.
Cut to four other prisons. A convict from each prison is called out for a transfer. They’re in collusion with the original guy? No. They are a ragtag team of convicts put together by US Marshalls Ray Zancanelli (Domenick Lombardozzi, The Wire) and his supervisor Charlie DuChamp (getting a well-deserved chance in a lead role) Laz Alonso (Avatar) in an attempt to think like a criminal and apprehend runaways. I am caught up; this makes sense: it’s a procedural and the twist is that the investigators are convicts. I’m down.
The writers also started fleshing out DuChamp’s back-story and home life, which I like. There was an interesting couple of moments concerning his health that happened in the pilot and have yet to be addressed.It has been out on dvd. you can but it now!